Having a list of the words that you engage in your everyday life enables you to focus on the right content and learn naturally. Study with flashcards automatically created from the web pages and the other sources you added.
● finds the words, names & places
● measures your knowledge vs total count of words
● automatically creates flashcards for you
Learn with spaced repetition. New flashcards will be automatically pulled from the most repeated words in your library and the words in your favourite list. As you regularly update your library with new content like the web pages you visited or the books you read, flashcards will be in your field of interest.
tap show in a sentence to see a hint
tap I know this word. to remove it from your deck
select a dictionary to flip
select NO, ALMOST or EASY
When you select the words you know, vocalibrary will hide them for you and you can easily find new words to study.
tap to select a word you know
slide to select multiple words at once
slide to the end of the row and down to select rows
tap to select or unselect all words at once
use show/hide button to see what you already know
long press to enter browser mode
When you add a web page or a file to vocalibrary, it scans and saves all the words in them and adds a new title to your library. It also saves all the sentences to study with flashcards or in-app browser.
upload your files
books, subtitles, documents etc.
share from Safari or any app
news, blogs, lyrics etc.
paste text
copied from anywhere
share your word lists
export a comma-separated list by dragging a title
to left and choosing export
Having a list of the words that you engage in your everyday life enables you to focus on the right content and learn naturally. When you add a web page or a file to vocalibrary, it scans and saves all the words in them and adds a new title to your library. It also saves all the sentences to study with flashcards or in-app browser.
see all the example sentences in your library
use in-App browser to search with your favorites
switch between your pages
drag any word to search easily
tap to select a word
tap to add a word to your favorite list to study